Monday, December 31, 2018

Des idées cadeaux beauté pour les plus belles Fêtes de l’année •

Certains prétendent qu"il est difficile d"acheter des cadeaux des Fêtes aux femmes. Ce à quoi nous répondons: pas du tout! Il y a mille et une choses que nous désirons. Mais si vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre ce voyage de Noël de luxe en Toscane, vous pouvez être certain d’une chose: les cadeaux beauté feront plaisir à n’importe quelle femme.

Voici quelques exemples d’idées cadeaux beauté disponibles dans notre salon de Montréal:

Gant Exfoliant Kami Mitt. Ces gants exfoliants de luxe pour la peau seront le cadeau idéal cet hiver, alors que les cellules mortes, ternes et abîmées de la peau ont besoin d’une exfoliation en profondeur. Ces gants empêchent également les poils incarnés et aident à désobstruer les pores, laissant une peau douce et souple, même pendant un hiver extrême montréalais.

Coffrets cadeaux des Fêtes Kérastase. Nous proposons une gamme complète de coffrets cadeaux Kérastase pour tous les types de cheveux. Non seulement allez-vous énormément économisez sur ces produits capillaires exclusifs, mais vous pouvez également faire confiance au nom de Kérastase, un pionnier français des soins capillaires, distribué exclusivement aux fournisseurs de produits de beauté et aux salons de coiffure haut de gamme comme le nôtre.

La manucure-minute. Les femmes aiment les manucures… mais elles n’apprécient pas toujours la durée de celle-ci. C’est pourquoi la manucure-minute est le coffret idéal. Nous offrons des exfoliants au sel pour les mains, les pieds et le corps, le tout en trois délicieux parfums. Ces produits pratiques exfolient, reconditionnent et hydratent à l"aide d"un mélange d"huiles à base de plantes et de sels minéraux de la Mer Morte triplement broyés, ainsi que d’huile de graines de noix et d"avocat.

Gants avec étoile. La célébrité qui sommeille en vous adorera ces gants avec étoile, parfaits pour une longue journée de magasinage ou une soirée à Montréal. Soyez la star que vous êtes!

Coffrets Cadeaux des Fêtes Davines. Offrez de beaux cheveux en cadeau cette saison avec des coffrets contenant du shampooing, du revitalisant et des produits coiffants haut de gamme Davines de chacune de leurs lignes les plus populaires (Essential Haircare et OI). Emballés dans des coffrets réutilisables et magnifiquement conçues.

Ensembles Design.Me Blow Dry. Les femmes négligent souvent leurs outils de coiffure et les utilisent pendant trop d’années (ce qui risque d’endommager leurs cheveux). Ces ensembles rappellent aux femmes de votre vie que les nouveaux outils et produits de coiffure ont une grande incidence sur la santé et la beauté de leurs cheveux.

Ensembles de soins de la peau GM Collin. En matière de soin de la peau en profondeur, GM Collins est ce qu’il vous faut. Leur mission consiste à «proposer des solutions de soin de la peau à la fine pointe de la technologie». Parfait pour les femmes de votre vie, à la recherche d"un produit anti-âge efficace. Ces ensembles ne sont pas disponibles partout, mais heureusement notre salon de Montréal les a en stocks.

Glo Skin Beauty Envy Shadow Set. Donnez à votre femme un regard vraiment enviable. Ces ombres crèmes, richement pigmentées donneront un éclat de longue durée. Ces ensembles sont conçus pour être mélangés, alors laissez votre maquilleuse intérieure se fondre dans un look multidimensionnel.

Et voilà. Ce n’était pas si difficile, non?

Certainement que quelque chose dans cette liste conviendra à chacune des femmes dans votre vie pour ce temps des Fêtes.

Toujours incertain? Pourquoi ne pas envisager une carte-cadeau pour un soin du visage ou une manucure / pédicure?

Encore une fois… comment pourriez-vous vous tromper?





Saturday, December 15, 2018

elōs Plus : une nouvelle génération de laser

4 types de traitements avec le Elos Plus

Deauville Coiffure Spa garde sa position en tête de file avec un tout nouvel instrument à la toute fine pointe de la technologie ! Comme joueur de classe à Montréal, Deauville se surpasse toujours avec sa panoplie de produits de beauté de tous genres et un éventail de services absolument impressionnant. Afin de répondre aux besoins de sa clientèle multigénérationnelle, Deauville Coiffure Spa s’est muni du laser ultra-performant : Elos Plus.

Épilation au laser efficace avec le Elos Plus

Nous connaissons tous l’épilation au laser. Au cours des dernières années nous avons vu apparaître plusieurs endroits offrant des traitements d’épilations avec des résultats variant et parfois même des effets secondaires non désirables. La qualité du laser ainsi que la précision et la technique de l’application jouent pour beaucoup. Elos Plus est acclamé par plusieurs dermatologues et professionnels dans l’esthétique comme étant le plus performant. Avec sa fonction IPL le laser Elos Plus détient la première et l’unique technologie qui combine deux type d’énergies pour éliminer de façon efficace et en douceur les poils de différents types et couleurs.

On couvre aussi une plus grande surface par pulsation durant l’application. Nous avons donc besoin de moins de séances pour offrir des résultats tout aussi efficaces. C’est un laser qui permet d’avoir d’excellent résultats sur tous les types de peau et surtout, avec les diverses pigmentations de peau. Avec la grande diversité ethnique à Montréal, Deauville Coiffure Spa optimise son approche à l’épilation afin de nous chouchouter et nous rendre tous à notre meilleur ! Autant conçu pour l’homme que pour la femme, le laser Elos Plus est un développement excitant et innovateur en matière d’épilation car sa technologie permet de minimiser l’énergie lumineuse appliquée et de réduire les effets non désirables qu’on a connu dans le passé.

Traitements pour le visage spécialisés avec le Elos Plus


Le traitement Sublime

Comme le train de la vie semble continuellement en accélération il devient de plus en plus difficile de prendre soins de nous. La fatigue et les effets du stress quotidien et de l’environnement urbain se font rapidement remarqués sur notre visage. Le Elos Plus est un instrument des plus complet. Il permet non seulement de faire l’épilation des poils indésirables mais peut aussi être utilisé pour améliorer le soutient et la fermeté de la peau du visage. Avec le traitement Sublime, le Elos Plus permet un remodelage du visage sûr et fait tout en douceur. La technologie du Elos combine la lumière et la radio fréquence bipolaire pour chauffer l’épiderme avec précision. Ceci stimule alors la production du collagène dans la région ciblée. Les résultats sont visibles rapidement : les ridules sont atténuées, la forme du visage est plus définie et découpée, la peau est plus lisse et le teint plus uniforme. Le traitement Sublime est efficace et sécuritaire pour tous les types de peau et il ne requiert pas de temps de récupération. C’est parfait pour les gens occupés. Il faut absolument l’essayer !

Le traitement Sublative

Deauville Coiffure Spa offre également le traitement Sublative pour un rajeunissement complet du visage, des rides, ridules et pour les cicatrices d’acné. Ce traitement restaure l’éclat de jeunesse et affine la texture de la peau avec un temps d’arrêt minimal. La technologie par radiofréquence bipolaire fractionnée transmet efficacement l’énergie thermique dans le derme supérieur. C’est l’endroit exact que cette fréquence à le meilleur effet sur le support interne de la peau : le collagène et l’élastine. Cette action stimule la production du collagène et de l’élastine pour rajeunir l’apparence de la peau et lui permettre de se renouveler. Puisque cette technologie agit sur les couche du derme supérieur de la peau, l’impact au niveau de l’épiderme est minimal. Le traitement Sublative est tout à fait sécuritaire et les résultats sont époustouflants.

Le traitement au laser SRA

Finalement, le Elos Plus permet un traitement photo-facial pour le rajeunissement de la peau avec le traitement SRA. Avec l’aide de la technologie, les spécialistes en soins de la peau de chez Deauville Coiffure Spa vous ferons profiter d’un traitement facial performant et efficace. Le traitement SRA cible les tâches pigmentaires et les problèmes de pigmentation de la peau, le dommage causé par le soleil et la rosacé. Le traitement SRA permet aussi de bien resserrer les pores de la peau. Le traitement est pratiquement sans douleur si on le compare aux traitements de lumière pulsée. Grâce à l’application de la radiofréquence de l’Elos Plus, votre peau retrouvera un éclat et un équilibre naturel. C’est vraiment la façon moderne, autant pour un homme que pour une femme de se faire donner un facial. A mettre sur notre liste de souhait !

Les possibilités sont nombreuses avec le Elos Plus ! C’est vraiment un petit bijou technologique et Deauville Coiffure Spa met à notre disposition 4 merveilleuses façons d’en profiter avec le laser IPL pour l’épilation, le photo-facial SRA, le traitement Sublime et le traitement Sublative. Les témoignages du Elos Plus nous disent ce qu’on veut entendre : le futur est ici et le progrès continue ! Pas surprenant que Deauville Coiffure Spa soit le salon et le « One stop shop » par excellence à Montréal!

Friday, December 7, 2018

elōs Plus: the new generation of laser

Welcome to the new generation of laser treatment.

Deauville Coiffure Spa maintains its position as a forerunner in beautifying treatments with its new top of the line technological addition: elos Plus.
"One of the major advantages of the elōs Plus is its sheer versatility. This multi-application platform has several capabilities allowing you to individualize treatments in patients. Having the full spectrum of facial applications at your disposal, all from one single stand-alone device, is a huge benefit." - Vince Afsahi, dermatologist

4 types of treatments with elos Plus

Depending on your skin type, you can choose an elos Plus treatment that is right for you. Here are some more details.

Effective hair removal with elos Plus 

During the last few years, we've seen numerous salons and spas offering hair removal treatments with varying results, some with some pretty nasty side effects. So many factors come into play, such as the quality of the laser as well as the precision and the application technique. It"s all about the right equipment.

Luckily, elos Plus is highly acclaimed and popular with numerous dermatologists and aesthetics professionals. With its IPL laser function, elos Plus is the first and only technology that combines energies to effectively and gently remove hair of varying colours and types.

elos Plus also covers a greater surface per pulse during the application. This means the same efficacy as its competitors, but in fewer sessions.

This laser also provides amazing results with all skin types and skin pigmentations. Considering Montreal’s vast ethnic diversity, Deauville Coiffure Spa has optimized its approach to allow everybody to look their best!

Suited for both men and women, the laser elos Plus is an exciting and innovating development in the treatment of hair removal. Its technology allows hair reduction while minimizing the applied light energy thus reducing the undesirable effects more commonly known with laser treatment.

Specialized facial treatments with elos Plus

The Sublime Treatment

Due to its various settings and attachments, elos Plus not only removes unsightly, unwanted hair but also delivers a skin tightening treatment to enhance the skin’s support network and firmness.

With the Sublime Treatment, elos Plus allows for a gentle and non-invasive remodeling of the face. The technology behind elos Plus combines bi-polar radio frequency and light energies that precisely heats the dermal tissue.

This process stimulates the productions of collagen within the targeted area of treatment.  The results are rapidly visible: fine lines are reduced, the facial contours are improved and the overall skin quality reveals a much smoother, more even complexion.

The Sublime is a facial treatment that is safe and effective on all skin types. It requires no downtime (perfect solution for those with busy lives).

The Sublative Treatment

Deauville Coiffure Spa also offers the Sublative Treatment  for professional skin rejuvenation and acne scar treatment. This treatment restores the skin’s youthful glow and smooths out the skin’s texture, wrinkles and fine lines--all with minimal downtime.

The fractionated bipolar radio frequency technology delivers gentle currents in the skin’s upper layers. This is the exact location for optimal delivery, geared to stimulate the skin’s internal support network of collagen and elastin. It"s this action that boosts the production of both collagen and elastin so that the skin can be restored to a more youthful appearance.

Since this technology plays on the upper layers of the dermis, the impact on the actual epidermis is minimal. The Sublative Treatment is not only very safe but the results are just amazing.

The laser SRA Treatment

Last but not least, elos Plus allows for a photo-facial skin renewal treatment: the SRA Laser Treatment. With the latest of technologies, the specialists at Montreal"s Deauville Coiffure Spa will deliver an effective and performing facial treatment.

The SRA Treatment targets age spots and skin pigmentation issues, sun damage and mild rosacea. The SRA Treatment can also tighten the skin’s pores. This procedure is painless overall (in contrast to IPL facials).

Due to the application of the radio frequency, expect a renewed glow and equilibrium to your skin. This is truly the modern way for both men and women to get a facial. Something to add to your wish list...better yet, make an appointment today.

To make a long story short? There are numerous possibilities with elos Plus; it just depends on your skin's needs. It"s a true technological gem that Deauville Coiffure Spa provides in four different ways: the IPL laser hair removal, the SRA photo-facial, the Sublime and the Sublative Treatments.

Montreal’s best beauty “One Stop Shop” continues to impress!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Are you Putting your Best Face Forward? (Reasons to Schedule a Facial Today!)

You've undoubtedly heard the expression "put your best face forward" but probably didn't take it literally. At Salon Deauville, we believe your best face is one that may be hiding out a little. That's right: underneath those dead skin cells, old make-up and sun damage is a more beautiful, youthful face, waiting to emerge.

Now, maybe you think of facials as an indulgence--something to be done on special occasions like your birthday or that all too infrequent "me day." At our Montreal salon, we remind you that a facial is more of a necessity than you might think. ("s your skin after all! It deserves love, care and more ongoing maintenance.)

Why Do I Need a Facial?

Oh yes, that age old question. Well, where do we begin...okay, from the top then:
You get to know your skin better. You can look in a magnified mirror until you're blue in the face. You"re still not a professional aesthetician who can examine your skin and give you a more detailed and through analysis of what routines and products work best for your particular skin type.

Really deep cleaning. We know; you think because you use the occasional toner, your skin is really clean...but its not facial-level clean.  A facial goes beyond the surface stuff and gets deep, really cleaning your pores and leaving you with a refreshed and renewed complexion.

Anti-aging effects. Sure your latest moisturizer may guarantee all sorts of anti-aging effects but a facial lives up to the promise by physically removing old skin cells and encouraging cell turnover as well as naturally boosting collagen.

Stress relief. Seriously, when was the last time someone caressed your face in a loving and therapeutic manner? (If you have, kudos for you, lucky girl) but most of us could stand more active, ongoing nurturing in our lives. Why? Because it"s good for the mind, body and soul!

And don't forget: stress is often held in our face and jaws. A facial removes that tension when you furrow your brow or make that frown (the one you make without knowing it). Simply put: a more relaxed face means a younger looking face.

Don't have time for a facial, you say? We could argue that you should make the time (because what matters more than a monthly session of deep relaxation and beautification?) but we also offer abbreviated facials for those on-the-go.

Our Facial Express is only 45 minutes long (the length of an average lunch hour) and our Flash Beauty “Just Before the party!” treatment is a perfect way to save time before a big event (since we take care of your face for you). 

Our Classic Facial is a perennial favorite and includes elements you"d expect from any spa-level skin treatment, including a consultation, cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, masks and of course, a luxurious face and neck massage.

It doesn't end there. Check out our menu of facial options.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Why your Mani Pedi Matters this Winter

There are all kinds of self-care. From massage to facials to a steaming hot bath, surrounded by candlelight. But nothing feels quite as immediate as the classic mani-pedi (or manicure and pedicure for those living in the Dark Ages).

And here’s the beautiful part: mani-pedis are more than just a beautification treat. There are actual benefits to them!

Benefits of a mani-pedi:

Increased blood flow. Our manicures and pedicures include a luxurious and pampering massage that improves blood circulation and mobility of the joints.

Improve the overall health of your nails. Our hands take a beating, especially during a Montreal winter. Regular manicures and pedicures reduce the chance of your nails developing fungi and other infections.

(Our mani-pedis also include a deep cleaning and thorough removal of dead skin cells. This encourages new cell growth, making your nails stronger and healthier.)

Chillax. Think of how comforting it is when someone touches your hand or massages your feet. The calming ripple effect is felt throughout your whole body. We focus on making your time at our spa an experience for the soul, not just your hands and feet.

Self-esteem boost. Simply put, when your hands and feet look good, you feel better about yourself. You gesture more confidently. And when you take off your shoes, you feel a sense of pride (not shame!).

The Different Kinds of Manicures and Pedicures:

Most people are unaware of the various types of manicures and pedicures we offer at our Montreal salon. They include:

Manicure, Exfoliation & Polish. This is our classic go-to manicure to give your hands a quick and beautiful makeover. It includes the use of our best nail polish and a hand massage (of course).

Shellac. A shellac polish is a combination of gel and nail polish, cured and hardened with UV light. It’s not as hard as gel and soaks off with acetone.

Gel. Gel is also known as “hard gel” and can applied on fake or natural nails. The main difference from shellac is that gel can be shaped and extended, similar to acrylic.

Acrylic. An acrylic manicure includes a combination of liquid and powder that creates a super hard and protective layer over your false tips or natural nail.

French manicure. The classic French manicure includes a solid white tip and either a clear or pink base. There are all sorts of fun, stylish variations to this type of look.

This is just a sampling of the nail services we offer. Let’s not forget about nail art (think holiday themes) and cool trending colors (like a super sleek and shiny black polish — very hot right now).

We’re also happy to provide a brief consultation and make suggestions specific to your hands, feet and lifestyle.

We carry only reputable, top-of-the-line nail products like Essie, Orly and OPI. See you at the salon!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Manicure Pedicure Montreal

There are all kinds of self-care. From massage to facials to a steaming hot bath, surrounded by candlelight. But nothing feels quite as immediate as the classic mani-pedi (or manicure and pedicure for those living in the Dark Ages).

And here’s the beautiful part: mani-pedis are more than just a beautification treat. There are actual benefits to them!

Benefits of a mani-pedi:

Increased blood flow. Our manicures and pedicures include a luxurious and pampering massage that improves blood circulation and mobility of the joints.
Improve the overall health of your nails. Our hands take a beating, especially during a Montreal winter. Regular manicures and pedicures reduce the chance of your nails developing fungi and other infections.
(Our mani-pedis also include a deep cleaning and thorough removal of dead skin cells. This encourages new cell growth, making your nails stronger and healthier.)
Chillax. Think of how comforting it is when someone touches your hand or massages your feet. The calming ripple effect is felt throughout your whole body. We focus on making your time at our spa an experience for the soul, not just your hands and feet.
Self-esteem boost. Simply put, when your hands and feet look good, you feel better about yourself. You gesture more confidently. And when you take off your shoes, you feel a sense of pride (not shame!).

The Different Kinds of Manicures and Pedicures:

Most people are unaware of the various types of manicures and pedicures we offer at our Montreal salon. They include:
Manicure, Exfoliation & Polish. This is our classic go-to manicure to give your hands a quick and beautiful makeover. It includes the use of our best nail polish and a hand massage (of course).
Shellac. A shellac polish is a combination of gel and nail polish, cured and hardened with UV light. It’s not as hard as gel and soaks off with acetone.
Gel. Gel is also known as “hard gel” and can applied on fake or natural nails. The main difference from shellac is that gel can be shaped and extended, similar to acrylic.
Acrylic. An acrylic manicure includes a combination of liquid and powder that creates a super hard and protective layer over your false tips or natural nail.
French manicure. The classic French manicure includes a solid white tip and either a clear or pink base. There are all sorts of fun, stylish variations to this type of look.
This is just a sampling of the nail services we offer. Let’s not forget about nail art (think holiday themes) and cool trending colors (like a super sleek and shiny black polish — very hot right now).
We’re also happy to provide a brief consultation and make suggestions specific to your hands, feet and lifestyle.
We carry only reputable, top-of-the-line nail products like Essie, Orly and OPI. See you at the salon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Botox Hair Treatment In Montreal

Summer’s heat, an evening out on the dance floor, pretty snowflakes or morning mist… pleasant moments for the most part but also dreaded enemies for our hair style! Few things are more frustrating than spending time fixing our hair, only to end up a few hours later looking like a lion that just ran through the Savannah with heavy, matted and frizzy hair.

As much as we try to hide the nasty results with a ton of product or simply try to avoid these situations entirely, most can agree that this is a battle that is difficult to win.

Times have changed though, and we must stop avoiding to live life to its fullest; just a stop for a visit at Deauville Coiffure Spa for their new hair treatment Hair Botox from De Fabulous could be the answer you’ve been looking for. (

The Hair BTX treatment: Boost hydration, Transforms the hair follicle and scalp and extends the life of hair and extensions. It is a high-end treatment that fortifies and revives limp, lifeless, frizzy hair. It is the treatment that everyone has been looking for, that glamourous shiny hair we all dream of.

Hair BTX is not to be confused with other treatments like a hair relaxer or a keratin treatment. Hair relaxers break and re-bond the molecular structure of each follicle’s core. BTX operates completely differently. It is a reparative system that does not contain any formaldehyde or perm solution. It is geared to make the hair smooth, beautiful and manageable. If you enjoy straightening your hair, this treatment is definitely for you! You will achieve better looking results with greater ease and will also make your daily style last much longer.

The treatment is done in the salon and takes about 2 hours. The product penetrates deep into the core and deposits cysteine protein, natural oils and fruit acids. These elements combined strengthen the hair from the inside out. Each strand is smoothed, hydrated and sealed making the hair shiny, manageable and very soft. Hair BTX is the latest treatment and is a must! It is definitely the way to great hair!

Once the treatment is completed, we can ensure lasting results with the complementary sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. ( De Fabulous offers a line of three hair care products that complement the Botox Hair BTX salon treatment. Along with their hair repair shampoo and conditioner, they also have an ultra-performing hair repair treatment that reconstructs and strengthens extremely damaged and fragile hair.

De Fabulous offers great quality products and this stands out by the ingredients they have chosen for their product line: olive fruit extract, wheat-amino acid proteins, sweet almond extract, avocado oil and acai berry oil as well as Aloe Vera and Jojoba, amongst others. The list of the top of the line ingredients goes on. This is certainly a very different approach to traditional chemical treatments.

They say the best secrets are found in nature. De Fabulous certainly seems to have grasped this and have successfully managed to give us the latest in hair care technology with nature’s best. Their smoothing hair treatment that is made from botanical ingredients, will please both the hair product savvy, to those that prefer things without too many add-ins.

Bridal Hair & Makeup Montreal Salon Deauville Bridal Open House

Planning your Big Day should be as enjoyable as the wedding day itself! Did you know: there are more engagements between December and F...